Friday 20 May 2011

Maths. Maths. EVEN MORE MATHS!


Earlier this week I sat my Core 1 paper, and today I sat my Core 2 paper for AS maths, and I'm really glad that they're over. PHEW! However, there's still a few maths papers to go. Ah well. Next week for me is the AS Statistics paper (or 'sadistics', which is what me and my friends jokingly call it). Anyway, I thought I'd be a geek and help you guys brush up on your formulas that you'll definitely need for a statisitcs exam.

First of all, I introduce the stunning Standard Deviation equation....
Standard Deviation

and then Spearman's 'lovely' Rank Correlation Coefficient...
Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient
And last, but by no means least, the vexing Variance formula!

Variance formula

I hope this helps you to remember the equations. 
A thing I do to remember equations, graphs and other pieces of information for exams is to take picture(s) of the resource and then set it as my iPod or mobile phone wallpaper, that way whenever you use the device you see the information and over time the repeated viewing of the information will eventually be stored in your long term memory FOREVER!!


Friday 13 May 2011

Stress!- A Prezi


Everyone stressing about the exams? I know I am (we'll all be glad when they're over). But then again I suppose a certain amount of stress is good. Just take a look at the graph (this is important for AS Psych Exam). Go on. 

Cheers to Yerkes and Dodson for coming up with the theory, and to the person that drew this somewhat amusing graph- my imaginary hat comes off to you.

We all get stressed. It's natural. Although some people can suffer stress more than others and stressful situations can have different impacts on different people.It's subjective. We know what emotions we go through when we get stressed, but have you ever thought about how your body deals with stress?

Here...I've made another Prezi for you. Merry Christmas (sorry that it's belated). Have fun!


Thursday 12 May 2011

Pathogens and the Immune System- A Prezi


To help you guys to keep the revision going, (for the exams that are converging towards us) I though that I should add this Prezi on 'Pathogens and the Immune System'. I created this one for my biology revision, but I suppose some content can link to revision for psychology. Either way it doesn't really matter. Education is gift to share. I hope you enjoy the extract from Osmosis Jones ^_^

Wednesday 11 May 2011

My Prezicasting On Social Influence

I started this Prezi here last week and managed to finish writing about Social Influence and Conformity in today's AS Psychology lesson. I created this as an aid to revision. Personally, I find that using Prezi to create presentations and revision notes are more effective and efficient than if I were to use a powerpoint. I hope you find this Prezi as useful and enjoyable as I did.


Here, one of my Psychology teachers uploaded the Prezi onto his Youtube account, I too have a Youtube account and hope to upload this video when he sends me my copy. On my teacher's account there are more video's available on the topics of Psychology and Sociology; feel free to watch and revise, and hopefully gain some inspiration as to how to revise successfully for your exams.

À Bientôt