Friday, 13 May 2011

Stress!- A Prezi


Everyone stressing about the exams? I know I am (we'll all be glad when they're over). But then again I suppose a certain amount of stress is good. Just take a look at the graph (this is important for AS Psych Exam). Go on. 

Cheers to Yerkes and Dodson for coming up with the theory, and to the person that drew this somewhat amusing graph- my imaginary hat comes off to you.

We all get stressed. It's natural. Although some people can suffer stress more than others and stressful situations can have different impacts on different people.It's subjective. We know what emotions we go through when we get stressed, but have you ever thought about how your body deals with stress?

Here...I've made another Prezi for you. Merry Christmas (sorry that it's belated). Have fun!


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